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First Place 4 Health: Mixing Fun, Fitness and Friendship



Day 3: The Right Friends!  First Place 4 Health is one of my favorite ministries for health and wellness. They offer all kinds of helps: Wellness small groups Bible studies (in most cities), numerous books and Bible study books for independent encouragement and inspiration, “Walk the Word” CDs to walk or exercise to, workout videos, nutrition helps, and my favorite: Wellness Weeks in beautiful locations (Two of my favorite options are Sandy Cove Christian Conference Center and Round Top, TX) .

I have attended a wellness week once a year for five years and the encouragement and accountability has made a huge difference  in my life and wellness journey.

I can highly recommend First Place 4 Health because the leaders at the top of this organization , Carole Lews and Vicki Heath, have become dear friends.

Carole Lewis, author of numerous books I have endorsed including, “Give God A Year” and Vicki Heath, author of the books I endorsed, “Don’t Quit, Get Fit” are wise women of God who seek out the BEST and most current  information for health, wellness, nutrition, fitness and bring top leaders in the field into the ministry as speakers, writers, and consultants. But to me, the highest recommendation is that these leaders LIVE IT out!

The unique piece of First Place 4 Health is their Bible studies. In the weekly small groups they offer the additional (and I think IMPERITIVE) component- power to live out wise wellness decisions WITH GOD’S HELP AND POWER.  To me, the additional elements of scripture set to music, Bible memory, discussing Biblical truths with friends so they impact wellness decisions help keep health choices in balance. We need to make wise wellness decisions in the major life areas: physical, emotional, spiritual, nutritional, medical, etc. so when I discovered First Place 4 Health I felt my life was getting soul nourishment as my body was getting healthy nourishment.

Check out the First Place 4 Health website for:

  • Success stories
  • Recipes
  • Health and wellness articles
  • Information of their nutritional “Live It” plan
  • Webstore with LOTS of helpful resources

Grab your spouse, or a friend and head to a wellness week is year– it is a fabulous mix of fun, fellowship and fitness from First Place 4 Health!

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