The Christmas story offers profound lessons, as seen in the shepherds' experience in Luke 2:8-15:…
Happy VALENTINE’S! 14 Days of Love
We love Valentine’s Day, actually we love Valentine’s SEASON! We have spent all of our marriage, all 44 happy years, helping others with their relationships: Relationships with God, in marriage (or dating), with their kids and grandkids, and with friends and colleagues.
Love is on God’s heart. In fact, love is the character of God:
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. (1 John 4:16)
On our wedding day, we exchanged gifts inscribed with what we now call our marriage verse:
We love because he (God) first loved us (1 John 4:19)
We LOVE helping others LOVE so we have a little gift for you , we have gathered a few of our favorite resources here, into 14 Days of Love. Each day we will give you a gift of love, something from one of our 60 books, a video from social media or our speaking, free downloads of dinner and dialogue questions, interactive worksheets, a blog on relationships, a link to a way to invest in your love this Valentine season.
Think of these as Vitamin LOVE — healthy for your love–as they each can be as quick as you’d like (5 minutes or less) or linger longer with your beloved!
Day 1: LIVE Video clip from our bestselling Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti (video from our live-aboard boat!)
A Better Us TV: Men and Women Communicate Differently
Men and Women Process Stress Differently
Men and Women Romance Differently
Focus on the Family 2- Day interview on this bestseller (Day 1)
Day 2: Fun, Fantastic, and FREE Romance Ideas (this has hundreds of ideas! Keep this handy all year!)
Day 3: Video Clips as guest experts on A Better Us TV :
Romantic Rituals (Small things to do daily to fan the flame on love)
Day 4: His and Hers Valentine Planning sheet
Day 5: Marriage Meet Up : Verses to Pray for Your Marriage (Video: A Better Us TV: The ONE Vital Choice to Bless and Build Your Marriage)
Focus on the Family Interview: Have a Marriage Meet Up
Day 6: Red Hot Monogamy
Interview with Dr James Dobson on Red Hot Monogamy Part 1, and Part 2)
Day 7: Facebook Live video on A Strong Foundation for a Long Lasting Love
Day 8: Blog on How Much TIME Does It Take to Keep Love Red Hot?
and :T.I.M.E. for Love Date Night worksheet
Day 9: Keep the A.H.A. in Marriage (video from our speaking at Power Up Your Marriage Event)
Day 10: Marriage Meet Up: Finding Our Happy Place Date (Video Zoom thru of the Marriage Meet Up devo set)
Day 11: Red Hot Romance Tips: Ten Things I Love About My Mate (use this as a framework for a love letter, or give it to your mate with 10 little gifts, or text to your mate one thing you love each hour all day on Valentine’s)
Day 12: Red Hot Romance Tips: Yummy!
Foods that are connected to LOVE (To Help You Plan your Valentine Menu)
Day 13: You Are a Gift to Me worksheet (This can help you write a 4 part thank you to your mate, or use it for giving verbal affirmation to your kids, grands or a friend)
Day 14: Last Minute Valentine Ideas (Lots of creative ideas you can pull together the DAY of Valentine’s)
BONUS: Our favorite Sunday Morning Worship Service Message : Keys to Successful Relationships (We have given this one all over the world! In this message is something for everyone: married couples, singles, teens, parents, grandparents, kids)
Bill and Pam Farrel are the Co-Directors of Love-Wise ministry, international speakers, authors of 60 books including the bestselling books: Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti and Red Hot Monogamy: Making Your Marriage Sizzle. They have been happily married for 44 years and often celebrate Valentine’s Day AFTER February 14th (because you can save money on an amazing fancy dinner and create a weekend get away for a deal!) Their goal is to help couples make EVERYDAY more like Valentine’s Day! The Farrels make their home on a live-aboard boat docked in Southern California. Join their Living Love-Wise Community and follow Bill and Pam on Facebook
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