The Christmas story offers profound lessons, as seen in the shepherds' experience in Luke 2:8-15:…
Ready for Adventure? You’ll need a few Navigational Tools!
Compass for Clarity
Tune in THIS THURSDAY June 28 at 6:06 pm PT for Part 4 of Tackling Transitions: Trials to Triumphs. We will share the “adventure equipment” you will want (and need) to navigate life’s adventurous journey. Just like you pack up all the essentials for a family camping trip, we will load up your relationship backpack with lots of goodies so no matter what life sends you want, you will be ready. These are PROVEN tools—things we have used for our entire marriage—and still use as the lifelines to keep our love secure, stable and sizzling. We will also take Q and A this week—so tune in over at the our Bill and Pam Farrel Facebook page and bring your questions!
Many thanks to all who joined us for our Facebook Live Tackling Transitions: Trials to Triumphs Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 (Catch up on the past 3 weeks – watch videos and download handouts here).
Map for Forward Movement
Pam will be hosting “Simply Beautiful Summer” Bible studies online for 7 weeks from July 25- Sept. 5 We will use my book 7 Simple Skills for Every Woman: Success for Keeping It All Together as our map to guide you to the success God wants to bring to all areas of your life. There are two options
- Private Facebook Group: Pam will teach in this private group using Facebook Live and you can interact with her and the others in the private Facebook group through the comments. This is being held Wednesday eve 6:06 pm PT
Register for this Facebook Live study Order 7 Simple Skills for Every Woman book
- Zoom Face to Face small group: You will use the Zoom AP, so you can talk face to face with Pam and other group members. This is also a great forum for moving your goals forward this summer as this small group setting gives great equipping prayer and encouragement support. (Only 9 women will be in this up close and personal group with Pam, so register ASAP to hold your spot!) Tuesdays 5:05pm PT
Register for Zoom Face to Face study Order 7 Simple Skills for Every Woman book
(If you are a member of the Love-Wise community, you receive discounts on books, resources and studies. Once you become a member, and click to place a product in the shopping cart, your discount will be automatically applied)
Together we can have a Simply Beautiful Summer of Successes!
Cairn for Closeness
If you have ever hiked in the back country, you will find rocks stacked in small towers to mark the path. These have been left by those who have gone before on the trail and serve to help you stay on the right path. Marriage mentors can be like those trail cairns. One of my mentors is Carole Lewis, the President Emeritus of First Place 4 Health and author of numerous books, like Give God A Year (which I endorsed because in one year through First Place I shed 50 pounds and have kept it off!) One of the things I admire about my friend Carole is her loving relationship with her husband, Johnny. She was able to accomplish so many great things in ministry, and she readily credits Johnny’s love as a significant factor. This week, she posted a precious Facebook post and has given us permission to share with you:
Today is our 59th Wedding Anniversary. Johnny has spent the last 4 of them in heaven but we were privileged to observe our 55th the day before he died. I will eat a peach to celebrate; something we did every year since we married. We drove to Dallas for the weekend after we married and bought some peaches by the side of the road. When we got to our hotel in downtown Dallas, Johnny set out to find some Vanilla Ice Cream to go with our peaches. By the time he got back in the sweltering heat, the Ice Cream was half melted but we made a memory that day that we kept alive for over 50 years.
When Blue Bell came out with Peaches and Cream Ice Cream, we always bought it to have with our peaches and we had some in the freezer when Johnny died. I miss his wonderful sense of humor and his fabulous cooking among so many other things but I know exactly where he is and I will see him again.
Did you catch the POWER of having a simple, yet meaningful tradition connected to your love? In our first session of the Tackling Transitions, we called these precious and proactive choices “Romantic Rituals”, Tune in Thursday and we will share more “romantic rituals” and “treasured traditions” that can help hold you two together year after year. (More on Romantic Rituals can also be found in 10 Best Decisions a Couple Can Make and Red Hot Romance Tips books)
Trail Guides for the Good Life
We enjoy being your trail guides in God’s adventure to live more “Love-Wise” and we see you are teammates to help us also reach others and help them get on God’s path for their lives.
We would love for you to become a member of our new Living Love-Wise community! Click on the Love-Wise subscribe webpage to see us explain the membership options and view a chart that visually lays out the differences of the various membership levels. Or, you can go directly to one of the membership levels by clicking on one of the links below. There are three options:
Digital membership: $1.98 / month
Resource membership: $4.19/ month
Developer membership: $22.22/month
We invite you to visit the new Love-Wise website, look around, watch a video or few, then please pray and ask God to lead you to the membership level that best fits your life and family. Would you prayerfully consider making a one year commitment (of any level)? When you partner with us we are better able to create content to enrich and encourage your life and relationships while also helping us reach out to others with God’s wisdom for life and love.
Thank you for helping us make a difference in this world.
Base Camp for Blessings
A base camp is where you go to get refueled and refreshed. This coming month, we hope to see some of you at these LIVE and in person events aimed at rejuvenating your life and relationships:
July 4-7 Bill teaches at Cannon Beach Family Conference, Cannon Beach OR
July 14 Bill and Pam at Passport to Love, Summit Bible College Marriage Conference in Bakersfield, CA
July 18 Bill and Pam at Bridge Fellowship in Reseda, Ca
Praying this verse that opened our Couples’ Journey with God devotional book for YOU and those you love today:
‘LORD, God of my master Abraham, if you will, please grant success to the journey on which I have come (Gen 24:42)
God bless your journey as we tackle transitions together!
Pam and Bill
PS: Have a sizzling summer! Catch us on FOCUS ON THE FAMILY radio July 5 and 6 when they air our interview on Red Hot Monogamy!
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