The Christmas story offers profound lessons, as seen in the shepherds' experience in Luke 2:8-15:…
What is HOME? A Journey to the Heart of Home
In 2020, with the “Shelter at Home” quarantine we ALL spent ALOT of time at HOME. But is home just a place, a dwelling or an abode– or something MORE? In our book, Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament: A Creative Bible Study Experience, I share in one of the devotionals a unique look at what HOME really is:
My friend Nancie Carmichael, in The Unexpected Power of Home, shares, “I have seen that the whole concept of “home” has a higher meaning…home is also a powerful metaphor for our lives. We have choices when it comes to making a home, and we can take the materials we have been given to make something beautiful and good. We have choices about our lives, to make them beautiful and good too.”
Home, once we connect with God, is where we discover who we are and why we are here.
Moses was born in captivity. Israel had grown close to 3 million. The large population made the new Pharaoh nervous and he irrationally thought the Israelites were becoming too many to control. The Pharaoh decreed that the Israelites should be enslaved to build cities and roads in hopes that they would be too tired to rebel or have children. Eventually, Pharaoh ordered the murder of all baby boys (but Jewish midwives refused to obey). It is into this inhumane and unjust state that Moses was born.
So where would Moses call “home”? And how do we find our “home” where we discover our true self, step into our God-given calling, and build a life that can be used by God for great things?
In 10 Best Decisions a Woman Can Make, I share a snapshot of Moses’ story and give one simple skill to discern the will of God:
That is, “Take a look back, so you can go forward in life.” We are each uniquely created by God, therefore, we each have a calling and purpose to live out that God uses to accomplish His plans. As you look back on your life, and pray, God will reveal the spiritual markers, and these become road signs, pointing to your future.
God spoke to Moses as an adult, through a burning bush, one day while he was tending sheep. This interchange gives a window into why God selected Moses as the leader to free His people:
God said, “…And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
And God said, “I will be with you….” (Exodus 3:9-12) then moments later, God added Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” (Exodus 4:10-12)
Moses knew his shortcomings, but he failed to see his spiritual markers pointing to his calling. I want to reach through the pages of scripture and say, “Moses look back at your life through God’s heavenly vantage point! All the baby boys were being killed but your wise mother placed you in a floating basket; your older sister followed that basket to ensure your safety; when the basket landed at the feet of the Pharaoh’s daughter, she didn’t kill you, rather she took you into her royal palace; When she needed a wet-nurse, your sister brought in your own mother for the job to ensure your safety, influence and train you! And your mother must have done a great job helping you maintain your Jewish identity because when you were grown, you interceded to help a fellow Israeli and you killed the cruel Egyptian—and somehow you escaped and fled to safety in Goshen, married a Jewish wife, and tended sheep for her father—when one day, the Angel of the Lord appeared to you in a “burning bush” calling you to go tell Pharaoh, “Let my people go!””
Who is the best spokesperson for the release of Israel? Moses, the baby saved from death and raised in the Pharaoh’s world. The one who has been uniquely prepared with the culture, language, and people of Egypt! Yet, home to Moses, was with his people, Israel, on a journey to the promised land.
Finding Your Home
When you look back on your own life, you will see:
- Unique training that God can use for His purposes.
- Unique pain that God can turn into a platform for ministry.
- Unique gifting, talents, and skills that God can use to further His mission.
- Unique experiences God builds on to prepare you to walk through the open doors He creates.
When we scan the life of the Messiah, walk in His footsteps, we see some pivotal markers. In our Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament Bible study we walk you through an observation of Christ’s spiritual markers. A few to consider today are his birth in Bethlehem to fulfill prophesy; His wise-beyond-his-age interactions with the Priests at the temple at age 12; The dove at His baptism proclaiming, “This is my son in whom I am well pleased.” The first miracle at Canaan of Galilee where He turned water into wine. These were just a few signs that the carpenter’s son from Nazareth was exceptional Home to Christ was not an earthy dwelling, rather, pointing people to their Father in heaven.
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Eph 2:10)
When I look at my calling as a public speaker, I see some markers in my life: At age 5, my mom’s best friend saw the chaos of our life and invited our family to church. There I saw what love looked like and I wanted to know God, the author of love! A year later Jesus began to weave together my future:
At age 6, I was named lead dancer in my class; at 12, I won a speech contest and began speaking for organizations in my town so my gift was nurtured ; Age 14- 18, I was head cheerleader and my role was to lead hundreds as we cheered on our team; Age 18, my friend, aptly named, Grace, invited me to a CRU meeting where I rededicated myself to Christ and gained a mentor, Tina, who equipped me for a life of ministry.
At 19, God lead me through a series of conferences and books to heal the pain inflicted by my abusive alcoholic father; At 20, I married my godly husband, Bill, and we began teaching together—which God has built our ministry, Love-Wise upon. Most recently, our book, (co-authored with teammates Jean E Jones and Karla Dornacher) Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament: A Creative Bible Study Experience was awarded the top honor for a Christian book: ECPA Finalist for the 2021 Christian Book Award!
At each step, God gives a light to your path to your home:
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119:105)
Home to me is anyplace I am with the ones I love and each time I teach about God’s love.
What is home to you? Pray, then trace your life path, noting spiritual markers. Often God uses this process to help us see the path He has ahead of us—our “home”.
Our prayer for you:
“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it…” (Is 30:21)
Pam Farrel is the author of 53 published books, co-director of Love-Wise, who love teaching God’s Word around the world both LIVE and VIRTUALLY.
Pam is co-author of Amazon bestsellers, and award-winning Discovering Hope in the Psalms; Discovering Joy in Philippians; and Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament.
Join her Discovering Hope Virtual Interactive Bible Study April 20-June 15, 2021
She is Mom of 3, loves her 3 daughter in laws, and 5 grandkids. She has been happily married 42 years to Bill, and they enjoy their HOME aboard a liveaboard boat docked in Southern California, as well as the 300 square foot RV where they make their temporary abode while caring for Bill’s 92 year old parents.
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