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“I Am” is Christmas

Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am… ”. (John 8:58 )

The name IAM is the connection of Jesus, God incarnate of the New Testament to the person of God from the Old Testament. When God called Moses to free his people from the bondage of slavery in Egypt. Moses expressed his intimidation of sharing the plan to the leaders of the Israelites:

 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” (Ex 3:13)

God answered him then and this answer can encourage each of us now:

God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” (Ex 3:14)

This Good News!

There is ONE God. This God is self-existent. He calls Himself I AM because No one created him! He is the Creator who set history in motion. The creation story: Chapter 1 of the Bible you hold, explains God created  light and dark, sun, moon, vegetation, animals and fish, and as He looked at all He created each day, He commented and it was GOOD. When He fashioned Man and Woman, He added that was VERY GOOD!

Good in Hebrew is Tob, which I summarize into an easy to remember definition:

Good is all that is beautiful, beneficial, blessed and best. 

God initiated creation, and He cultivated relationship with Adam and Eve and the garden He made for them to dwell in was also beautiful, beneficial, blessed and best. When Adam and Eve disobeyed and blew their opportunity of a forever in Paradise, even then God intervened. In His mercy, he allowed death to enter so humankind would not be chained to decay and destruction for forever. Then God set in motion the redemption of all humankind:

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) 

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.” (John 5:24) 

His love sets prisoners free from literal slavery in the Old Testament and from bondage to sin in the New Testament—through Jesus. The I AM, came to earth as fully human and fully God to give his life for you and for me.

“I Am” is the Jesus of Christmas!


So, the ultimate good news is that Jesus is the Great I AM! He was there at Creation,

so everything you need in life, Jesus, I AM, the Creator, is the answer to all those needs!

Discovering the Bible Series

And this is tob! This is GOOD!

In the Gospel of John, Jesus gives many word pictures describing who He is. In Discovering Good News in John: A Creative Bible Study Experience you can journey through a  deeper dive into these qualities of Christ. You will gain strength  by studying John, and the Great I AM. Years ago, while writing Becoming a Brave New Woman: Step Into God’s  Adventure For Your Life , I explored these  metaphors of Christ  to help me (and my readers) gain courage, confidence, wisdom and peace,  no matter what life was sending our way.


Which do you most need to hang your heart on today to gain hope for tomorrow? 

Jesus is the Word—When you need clarification, wisdom, discernment, then look to the ultimate guide (John 1:1).

He is the light—When you need guidance, look to Him for your next step (John 1:4; 8:12; 9:5).

He is the bread of life—When you feel empty inside, look to Him for fulfillment (John 6:35,41,48,51).

Jesus is from above—When you need perspective, look to Him, and ask to see life from His vantage point (John 8:23-24; 12:32).

Jesus is the Son of Man; He is truly human, sympathetic to our frailties, and yet He is perfect—When you’re feeling fragile, fallible, and frail, look to your sympathetic Lord for aid (John 8:28).

Jesus is the gate for the sheep—When you need a place of safety, go to Him and you’ll find rest (John 10:7,14).

Jesus is God’s Son—When you need power beyond your own to cope with life, take your concern to Him (John 10:36).

Jesus is the resurrection—If you feel hopeless, despondent, or frustrated, look to the one who raised Himself from the grave to raise you up and give you hope and help (John 11:25).

Jesus is the true vine—We must be connected to Him for nourishment (John 15:1).

Jesus is king—When you need to appeal to a higher power, a greater authority, appeal to Jesus who reigns in majesty (John 18:37).

Jesus is the living water—When you are thirsty for something to quell the longings, to handle the cravings that seem to overpower you, then look to Jesus, and His presence will bring refreshment (John 4:10).

Jesus is God—When you need forgiveness, grace, mercy, eternal life, and a fresh start, come to the Author of life (John 13:19; 14:11,20; 18:8).

Pam Farrel is an international speaker, author of 58 books including her newest Discovering Good News In John: A Creative Bible Study Experience. (co-authored with Jean Jones and Karla Dornacher, currently 4 in the Discovering the Bible series) She also pens creative quiet time journals: Joy; Hope and Victory.

Also download a free ebook: Infectious Joy: 30 Day Creative Devotional on Joy.

Pam also writes for women: 7 Simple Skills for Every Woman and Becoming a Brave New Woman: Step Into God’s Adventure For Your Life.

Download 6 Christmas traditions the Farrels enjoy in their home. 

Listen to Pam’s interview with Dr Michelle Bengston on “How to Make Your Quiet Time More Creative”

Pam enjoys time with her family: three sons, three daughters-in-love; and five (soon to be seven) grandkids. Pam makes her home on a live-aboard boat with her husband, Bill.

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