We were interviewed by a magazine on how to keep the fun and laughs in…
Unplanned . . . hope for life
One of my amazing interns, Audrea Taylor, one
of the founders of an amazing youth organization, im2morro, has this to say
about a new thought provoking DVD by Tyndale, Unplanned:
On college campuses
around the country it is not uncommon to see young people wearing bright pink
t-shirts recruiting for Planned Parenthood. Although they are drawn in by a
desire to help women in crisis, they are greatly misled on the purpose of the
organization. As a young college girl, Abby
Johnson, trying to find her life’s passion, is swept in by the creative
marketing and fancy rhetoric of Planned Parenthood. Soon, she was volunteering,
working and then directing a Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas. One
day, after assisting in an abortion, she realized that she had been deceived
into fighting for the wrong side. Abby Johnson made national headlines as she
crossed over to the pro-life side. Today God is using this former Planned
Parenthood director as a leading voice in the pro life movement. In her DVD
unplanned, Abby Johnson takes us on her extraordinary journey of faith, courage
and conviction.
From Pam: Bill and I were
guests of the CEO of Alternatives Women’s
Center, and we heard the story of Abby through the eyes of Shawn Carney, the
young man who ran the Pro- Life Crisis Pregnancy clinic in Abby’s community. It
was to Shawn’s office Abby came when she wanted to repent and restart her
Christian walk. To me this is a wonderful example to pray for the babies to be
saved, the moms to choose life and those that work in all the Planned
Parenthood and other abortion clinics to find life in Jesus too. Jesus is there
for ALL of us—and all of those women, babies and yes, even the leaders on the
other side of the abortion fence. Only God can unravel the trauma of Roe V Wade
and provide a correct view of life—that is ALL LIFE IS VALUABLE.
My favorite quote from Shawn’s message was a
story of Mother Teresa at a white House dinner. She was asked by one of the
high ranking women at the event, “Why do you think in America with all its
freedoms, that a woman has not yet been elected President.†Mother Teresa
simply replied, “You probably aborted her.†With  approximately 115,000 abortions
worldwide, we need savvy tools and smart leaders to help us save lives and
rebuild women harmed by abortion.
Highly Recommend Unplanned
DVD and Shawn Carney’s 40 Days of
PS: Focus on the Family has a CD with both Abby and Shawn as guests
Clips of media interviews
you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully
made; your works are wonderful
Ps 139:13–14
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