The Christmas story offers profound lessons, as seen in the shepherds' experience in Luke 2:8-15:…
What is the state of YOUR Marital Union?
Each year, The President of the United States, (of both parties) gives a State of the Union Address to inform the nation of the status of the health of America. No how you feel about politics, it would be a wise choice if each of us who are married, would meet together to have a conversation about how each of us see the health of our marriage. To protect the future of your love and give your children the strongest home possible, make time this week to each complete the “State of Our Marital Union” form below, then compare notes on how each of you rated each area of your love and life.
Hold hands and pray– then, use a sheet of paper, one for a wife, one for a husband, and personally rate your relationship 1 to 10 in each area: (10 being BEST)
- Social – Are you enjoying friendship with each other and those in your life? 1__________________________________________________________10
- Financial – Are you stable now and do you have a plan you are working for your future? 1__________________________________________________________10
- Recreational- Do you have a plan you both are working to stay healthy and happy? 1__________________________________________________________10
- Vocational- Do you have a plan in place to help both of you grow and move forward in your career (education; volunteer work)? 1__________________________________________________________10
- Parental- Are you on the same page as parents; do you have a plan to help you children reach their God- given potential? 1__________________________________________________________10
- Emotional- Are you both calm, peaceful, stable, and enjoying strong mental health? 1__________________________________________________________10
- Spiritual- Are you both growing in your walk with God? 1__________________________________________________________10
- Sexual- Do you enjoy regular intimacy, closeness and sexual expression? 1__________________________________________________________10
Each of you select ONE of these areas of love that you would like to work on improving in the coming year. Consider buying a copy of Red Hot Monogamy (and/or conference recordings) and move forward in all 8 areas (all the while having positive, fun and fulfilling romantic dates! Also consider buying one book or audio book, attending a webinar or seminar, or paying for relationship coaching or marriage counseling in the one main area you two BOTH want to improve most. (Bill Farrel is taking a limited amount of relationship coaching clients. Contact if interested in more information)
- Be sure to hugs and pray and thank each other for taking time to prioritize your love and marriage.
- Perhaps plan a getaway where you can make forward movement
together in the areas of love you each selected.
Pam and Bill Farrel are the authors of 58 books and Co-Direct Love-Wise. They enjoy time with their three sons, three daughters-in-love and seven grandchildren. They make their home on a live aboard boat docked in So Cal.
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