We operate a non-profit organization entitled Proverbs 19:8 Ministries. In addition to writing and speaking, we work on projects that support churches and help proclaim the gospel of our Savior.
Your tax-deductible donation will help us:
Develop an online resource churches can add to their website.
Connect couples to discuss questions that matter.
Support Pastors as they minister to the families in their churches.
You will find the most recent ventures below.
Donations can also be sent to:
Proverbs 19:8 Ministries
3600 Harbor Blvd #116
Oxnard, CA 93035

"One generation commends your works to another;they tell of your mighty acts."
- Psalm 145:4
Questions That Matter
Pam and I are who we are because experienced couples took time to answer our questions when we were first married.
We have since discovered that every church is filled with couples like us who have questions such as:
“Why does my wife seem to need so many compliments? Will there ever be a time when she will be more secure in our relationship?”
“I have heard we ought to pray together but it is awkward for us. How do we get better at praying as a couple?”
“I grew up in an angry home. How do I keep from being angry with my husband and kids?”
We also know every church has experienced couples who will share real world wisdom anytime they are asked. All that needs to happen is for the couples to talk to each other.
For this reason, we have started a non-profit organization entitled Proverbs 19:8 Ministries to develop a plug and play resource to empower churches to pass on relationship wisdom from one generation to another.
Other questions couples carry on their hearts include:
“How do I find the interest to talk about some of the things my husband likes that I find boring?”
“How do I keep from getting defensive when my spouse brings up concerns about our relationship?”
“Why does my husband want to talk so little about the things that happen in his life?”
“What is God okay with in a couple’s intimate life?”
“We have two kids. My husband has two other kids. What is my role in his kids’ lives? Are we supposed to parent his kids differently than our kids?”
“Both of us want to make the decisions in our house. We are strong and capable so it feels weak to just let the other decide. Is there a better way to make decisions without just giving in to each other?”