Guest blog: Former journalist Nancy Gavilanes was called by God to leave her promising career…
Legacy of Love
In September our newest granddaughter, the first born of our middle son and his wife, entered this world. We are a “far-flung

family” because we encouraged our sons to follow God’s clear call—wherever it might lead. So while we were visiting our new angelic bundle of joy we walked, rocked, sang and prayed over our beautiful new granddaughter. On days when the world seems crazy (like the night we prayed for those innocents murdered by terrorists in Paris, or sent money through WORLD HELP to get food to Christian families fleeing for their lives), on those kind of days, we reflect on the wisdom of God to send new life into our arms to give us all hope for a better, more loving tomorrow.
We also rejoiced over the wisdom, excellent parenting and nurturing we observe in our son and daughter in law. We know this little girl will grow up with some important advantages (just as our first three grandchildren do because our oldest and his wife are also terrific parents)

The one clear advantage is the power of a loving, intact, Christian marriage. Research is clear that children from two parent homes far better. In 10 Questions Kids Ask About Sex, we share a few statistics that should motivate each of us to learn to love a little more like God. (Click to read more of what grown-ups can do to better equip the next generation)
For example, children with both a mom and dad in the home have higher grades, less likely to have a teen pregnancy, less likely to go to jail, less likely to commit suicide—important things like that! But coming from a home of divorce myself, I know God is a GREAT Father, and if an individual is willing to hold TIGHT to Jesus, God can redeem, restore, and remake a life. This means all of us at Love-Wise have a clear mission to help prepare each individual to love as God loves. Our goal is to equip people before they are married, strengthen those who are married, and repair and reignite those who have had broken hearts, all to reflect God’s love and pass it as a legacy to the next generation. To accomplish this lofty goal, we must intersect God’s wisdom with God’s love and this will produce “Love-Wise” individuals, couples, families and churches.
,Most recently, our oldest granddaughter asked Jesus in her life, went on her first mission’s trip to India and was baptized to proclaim her dedication to be a bright light of God’s love. She has a sensitive heart toward others and her sincere faith is inspiring to we, her grandparents, too!
We are THANKFUL for all of you- our readers, our audience members, leaders who have trusted us to speak at your churches, conference centers and corporations. Teaming together we can shine a brighter light of God’s love. (To get a monthly relationship encouragement from Pam and Bill input your email at
One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts (Ps 145:4)