The Christmas story offers profound lessons, as seen in the shepherds' experience in Luke 2:8-15:…
Changed by People
It started out as an ordinary day. Saul had plans to travel like he had probably done a hundred times before. He rose around daybreak expecting to pack and get on the road. (1 Samuel 9:26) It would turn out to be anything but an ordinary day.
Before he left to head home, Samuel told him to “stay for a while, so that I may give you a message from God.” (1 Samuel 9:27). He was told that he would meet three groups of people who would impact his life. The first was a group of “three men going up to worship God.” (1 Samuel 10:3) The second was “a procession of prophets” while the third was a collection of talented musicians. In the midst of these people, “The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you . . . and you will be changed into a different person.” (v. 5-6)
Saul was certainly less than perfect but in the presence of people who were focused on worshipping God and exercising their gifts to honor God, he was changed. This weekend, we all have an opportunity to do the same. In churches all around your town, people will be gathering to worship Jesus. Musicians will gather to utilize their talents to lift up the name of our Savior. Pastors and teachers will share the truth they have discovered in their study of God’s word this week with practical applications to our lives.
As you participate, you face the potential of change. Questions you have been asking may find answers. Opportunities that have been foggy may get clear direction. Hurts that have held you back may get healed. Bitterness may be replaced with forgiveness. You may discover a new perspective on life that makes things seem easier.
If you attend church regularly, go with a sense of anticipation this weekend because it may turn out to be a life-changing day. If you aren’t in the habit of attending church, give it a try this weekend. As you gather with others who are seeking a vibrant relationship with God you may be changed into a different person!
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