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Give Him a K.I.S.S.

There is no real downside to becoming a more desirable wife. As a leader, you gain back the me you invest in romancing your man because a happy husband is a supportive husband — and you become a kinder, nicer, more loving person and everyone in your life, not just your husband, will benefit!

In my new book, Red Hot Romance Tips for Women, I explore 26 traits (A to Z) that will help make an enhanced version of you.



To make your man a top priority, use the acrostic below to write a few goals. A solid aim for love must include a K.I.S.S:

Knowledgeable – Do you know the answer to questions like:

♥  As a boy, what did you want to be when he “grew up”. (A fun date could be arranging to let him be a race car driver, a cowboy, a pilot, etc)

♥  What are his favorite snacks? (Hide them along his path with note with a play on words like, “You are my “Big Hunk” of love.)

Inspired- How would you like to feel about your husband or marriage by the end of the Red Hot Romance journey? Often it is the small gestures of love that add up in a big way:

♥ One woman placed this note on items in their home, like the light switch or coffee maker, “Come turn me on instead of this.”

Specific – Nail down the details of the changes you are aiming at, like: Begin a new roman c habit:

♥ Wake him with a kiss, hug, coffee or simply a “good morning” . (Did you know that men who kiss their wives each day live 5 years longer than men who don’t?)

Scheduled- Be intentional. Make time for this project: time to read, time to pray for your man and your marriage, and time for the Red Hot Romance dates (and the subsequent romantic sparks in the bedroom). Plan action steps and red pen them and the time to accomplish them right into your calendar or Outlook. Use the code RHM (Red Hot Monogamy) to set aside time for intimacy with your very happy husband.

From Red Hot Romance Tips for Women

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