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Happy Single Mom Day!

My co-author of 10 Best Decisions a Single Mom Can Make book, PeggySue Wells,   is a single mom of 7! Here is a quick post that gives you an idea of just how many single moms are in YOUR world and a simple way to bless and support them:
Happy Single Parent Day!
March 21 recognizes brave solo moms and dads. We all know a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker, or someone who is a single parent.
* 23% of American children are living with a single mother
* 4% are living with a single father.
* one in four homes is single mom led
* 50 percent of kids are expected to live in a single parent home before age 18
* most single moms began in a committed relationship and are single due to separation and divorce
* 3/4 of single moms have full-time careers
* less than half receive government assistance and most of those only until they can support their family on their own
* less than half receive child support (average child support is less than $6000 yearly)
* 40 percent are over 40
* 100 percent wish the cleaning fairy showed up weekly to leave everything sparkling and something delish simmering in the oven
* 85 percent do not attend church
* most feel alone, isolated, and judged
* single moms are not alone: 15 million solo moms are raising 22 million children
Here are 7 simple things to bless, build and boost the life of a single mom:
1.Help her fix something at her home
2. Offer to give a few hours of childcare.
3. Give her a spa day– or put together a spa basket for an evening and R and R at her home.
4. Invite her and her family over for a meal or give her a gift card for a meal for her and her family
6. Sit by her at church, and if her children are with her, sit and help her with the kids during church.
7.Check out the companion, resource-rich website 

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