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We are on a new journey!

We sincerely believe that any couple can have a successful relationship, but it doesn’t happen by accident. There is a strategic collection of skills that unleash God’s abundant life for the people who practice them. We have been on a lifelong journey teaching these skills at conferences, churches and through books and resources. We have been encouraged by the thousands of couples who have embraced these skills and discovered a love that is sustainable and enjoyable. We made a decision recently to make it easier for us to travel and present these skills while having a lot of fun along the way. This new choice involves:

  • Selling our home in San Diego to relieve ourselves of the weekly maintenance that accompanies an acre of land, a house and a business space.
  • Buying a boat.
  • Moving onto the boat as our main living space.
  • Increasing travel to speak at more events.

In addition to freeing up our life to make travel easier, we have moved closer to Bill’s parents to help take care of them. My (Bill’s) parents were born in 1929 and, thankfully, they are still with us. They are, however, facing mobility issues that require physical assistance to help them stay in their rhythm. They are independent enough to live on their own but need help on a regular basis to maintain this lifestyle. They live just west of Los Angeles. Trying to drive from San Diego to their house is an unpredictable journey. On the map, it was a 2 ½ hour drive. With LA traffic it could easily take 5 ½ hours and it was becoming a distraction to our life. We believe honoring those who are blessed with long life is a vital characteristic of family life so we have accepted this as a personal responsibility.

As part of this new journey, we have decided to share it with all of you. We will be posting a new video every week that demonstrates our move, our travels and highlights from conferences. We will also share the joys and challenges of living on a boat since we have noticed a lot of you are curious about what is like to downsize from a house to move onto a floating residence.

There are several ways you can join us on this journey.

  • You can subscribe to this blog which means you will be notified anytime a new blog is posted.
  • You can subscribe to our YouTube channel.
  • You can become a Love-Wise member. We are consistently producing resources that teach the skills that make relationships work. Membership will give you automatic access to these resources as they become available. There are three different options to choose from that provide varying levels of access. Click here to see your options.

By becoming a member, you will help us continue to reach more people with God’s wisdom and love.

The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper – Proverbs 19:8.

Working together to add wisdom to your love,

Bill and Pam Farrel

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