The Christmas story offers profound lessons, as seen in the shepherds' experience in Luke 2:8-15:…
Powerful Personal Provision!
What are you needing?
Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. (John 6:35 NIV)
Do you have a favorite bread? In the Holy Land, Bil and I discovered the sweet Challah with honey and the savory laffa, hot from the pan with olive oil. The bread common in the life of Jesus was probably unleavened, baked in an oven, flat like a large thick pancake and to eat it you’d break or tear it.
In Discovering Good News in John: A Creative Bible Study Experience, we explain: that Jesus claimed the title “ ártos” bread of “divine provision; all the sustenance God supplies to yielded believers scene-by-scene to live in His preferred-will” [i] The day before he shared this name, he fed 5000 plus with nothing more than a little boy’s lunch! “In Jesus’ hands not enough became more than enough”[ii] When choosing Him, we will not go hungry, crave ardently, eagerly desire, or feel famished physically, emotionally, or spiritually. We each choose what will fill our lives—that which nourishes and keeps us healthy or “fast food” that looks or tastes good but has nearly no life-giving value. Life with Jesus is satisfying.
Christ also says if we believe with absolute trust, a fully persuaded confident faith in Him, we will never thirst. Thirsting by biblical definition is a painful feeling of want or a longing for something to quench the pain. Only Jesus, the Living Water, truly refreshes, supports, and strengthens the soul. (John 4:10)
Jennifer Kennedy Dean, in Prized, elaborates, “He [Christ] never creates us with a need that He himself is not the supply.”[iii]
Scene by Scene Provision
In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus taught us to ask, “Give us this day, our daily bread” (Matt 6:11 ESV).
And in the last Bible study, Discovering Joy in Philippians, we spent time processing the comfort of Phil 4:19:
“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”
Recently, I (Pam) was a guest on a podcast where the host asked me to share miracles of God’s provision, and I referred to many as “Manna” or bread from heaven. Jesus was also connecting himself to God who led the Israelites out of bondage and provided for them the Bread of Life in the wilderness. (Ex. 16:8)
On that interview, I shared so many miracles that time ran out before I could recount them all! In A Couple’s Journey with God, we share a list of times we trusted God early in our marriage. Our Bread of Life, laid a proven track record to help us gain a strong foundation for the faith of our fledgling family:
- We married at age 20 with only part time jobs and no college diplomas yet- yet God provided our needs.
- Bill quit his job and we lived on just Pam’s salary so Bill could finish 2 years of college in just one vey packed academic year
- We only had $10 for a week’s worth of groceries and God had us win 4 bags in a grocery store sweepstakes and we had not even entered! (We found out later, our Sunday School Class all wrote OUR names on THEIR entries.)
- We went without a car for almost an entire year (while working several part-time jobs, volunteering as youth leaders, and carrying full-time college class loads), we road our bikes, and trusted God would somehow provide a car. Our youth group was praying and bought us a bumper sticker that read, “I believe in miracles”. Nine months later over 150 kids helped place that sticker on a car provided through one of their families for $67!
- We set off for Talbot seminary and Biola University to get training for ministry knowing our part-time job incomes would fall short, so God sent financial support from the parents of the kids we had mentored.
- We started a family, then bought, and remodeled our first home– on a youth pastor’s salary.
- We took a cut in pay for Bill to take a Sr. Pastor position at age 28, so two friends pitched in to cover the car payments until it was paid off or we grew the church budget.
- Pam was a re-entry college student, our church was under 100 people and we had two little kids, then her car died, so a Christian Businessman gave us his “old” NICE car.
- Wanting our roots to be deep in the community, a church member loaned us money for property down payment and together with church members, we hammered up a home in San Diego—and repaid the loan.
- We started our writing and speaking ministry and God blessed it so we could in turn bless others, as we had been blessed.[iv]
We call God’s provision: “God-math.” We married young, followed God with a whole heart, worked extremely hard (and still do) and have the delight of experiencing Him! Pray bold, God-sized, send-manna-from-heaven prayers—not only for you, but for all who need the Bread of Life in this world. And, when God askes you to be a part of the answer, give the blessing in His name.
Need Some Good News? Me Too!
Your Friends and Family Could Use Some Good News Too!
In a world that spirals down in negativity, we need God’s power, presence and peace that spirals us up into HIS positivity! Come learn about Jesus and His love for you in the book of John. May 1-June 19
Pam will lead an Interactive weekly Zoom Bible study on
Discovering Good News In John Space is limited so register early (today!) Lots of details here (use code GOODNEWS10 to save) Three options to register:
Discovering Good News Bible Study book PLUS class fee Class Fee only (because you already own the Discovering Good News in John book) Deluxe Bundle (all 4 of the Discovering bible studies PLUS current discount Good News Class fee)
Pam Farrel is one of the co-authors of Discovering Good News in John: A Creative Bible Study Experience. She is an international speaker, soon to be author of 60 books and is the Co-Director, with her husband, Bill, of Love-Wise. the Farrels make their home on a live aboard boat docked in Southern California.
[ii] Prized: Experience the Tender Love of the Savior by Jennifer Kennedy Dean (Birmingham, AL: New Hope Publishers, 2019) p. 57.
[iii] Prized: Experience the Tender Love of the Savior by Jennifer Kennedy Dean (Birmingham, AL: New Hope Publishers, 2019) p. 56.
[iv] A Couples’ Journey with God by Bill and Pam Farrel (Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 2012), p 120-121
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