Guest blog: Former journalist Nancy Gavilanes was called by God to leave her promising career…
Ready, Set . . . Go!
Some moments are ones you want to be able to press replay on. Luke 2:19 says, “ . . .  Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.â€Â Bill and I got a treasure the other day. We were out kayaking with our CRM missionary friends James and K!mberly Creasman in from Singapore who were stateside (Yes, K!mberly’s name has a ! in it- read why in 52 Ways to Wow Your Husband). While we all were kayaking, our son Caleb, home for a few weeks from his football playing, engineer studying days at Harding University, spotted a kayak that had just flipped. He instantly power paddled across the San Diego Bay to rescue a frantic father desperately trying to hold his six year old son up and keep them both from drowning. Caleb single handedly lifted up the kayak, emptied the water, flipped it over, rescued the son and placed him into the kayak, lifted the dad and got him back in the boat and retrieved the paddles all before we could reach the location to help. A very grateful father and son are still alive today -and this mom and dad of Caleb are very proud of a son who listened to that prompt from God and instantaneously obeyed the call.
              Several years ago, our friend, Debbie Douglass, the guide for our annualSeasoned Sisters women only Kayak trip , an award winning outdoor educator for the state of Alaska, trained Caleb and the counselors of Echo Ranch Christian Camp, in water safety. Years before this, Bill and I equipped Caleb through our Learner and Leader parenting program we outline in 10 Best Decisions a Parent Can Make. We prayed and worked diligently with our very shy, quiet Caleb. The Learner and Leader plan helps parents weave character into their children year after year, one trait at a time. One of the first traits we impressed upon Caleb was initiative: “When you seen something that needs done, DO IT!†(Without being asked!) Caleb’s education through Valley Christian and Christian High and his decision to launch a Fellowship of Christian Athletes Huddle, further prepared him to be a leader of action. And Caleb himself has guarded his quiet times and devotional life with God, so a quiet whisper from God is all it takes to get Caleb’s attention. That day, that moment, all the preparations came together! The result was life saving! Watching it unfold is a treasure in my heart.
              When asked about the decision to rescue the father and son, Caleb simple and quietly replied,â€I saw the boat flip. I knew what to do, so I did it. “ In a similar moment of decision, our friend, Captain Jack Collier, a police officer was recently confronting a criminal brandishing a gun pointed at Jack. In the face of losing his own life, Jack drew his weapon and arrested the man. His wife, Robin, later asked him, “Were you afraid?†He answered, “No, because I didn’t have to GET READY, I WAS READY!â€
              We can be like Jack and Caleb. We can be ready for the time God asks us to step up, step in, or step forward. That is really one of the main reasons Dawn and I wrote LOL with God: Messages of Hope and Humor for Women, and why I wrote Devotions for Women on the Go. If we, everyday, prepare ourselves with a consistent quiet time with God, we will be ready when He calls us into battle—and the results maybe life-saving, life- changing, life-altering for others .   2 Timothy 4:2 gives a clear command: . . be prepared in season and out of season . . .†Luke 12:35 encourages, “Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning.†And 2 Cor 9:3 shows how fellowship keeps us accountable to be ready, “
But I am sending the brothers in order that our boasting about you in this matter should not prove hollow, but that you may be ready, as I said you would be.â€
To aid in my own readiness, I have quiet time baskets in many rooms in my home with Bibles, journal and a devotional in them, in addition, on my desk are several translations, several more daily devotionals, and journals. I also have the Bible on my smart phone and many devotionals are electronically delivered to my Inbox. I want the tools of being ready at my finger tips so I can dig into God’s Word. I want to be ready.
Are you ready?
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