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Sin Always Leaves a Wake


We enjoy boating and jet skiing. Once you are on the water, if you look back, you will see a wake. The bigger the boat, the faster the boat– the
bigger the wake. And so it is with sin. Recently the headlines remind us of the traumatic results of one man’s sin at Penn State, the wake of sin is much more common than any of us would want to believe. Here is an excerpt from my book, 10 Best Decisions a Woman Can Make, that also describes how sin leaves a wake:

There is a sin, a secret sin, which someone now is keeping.

She tells herself, “It’s no big deal, it’s personal. It hurts no one, so in my life I’m keeping.”

Envy makes jealousy, jealousy makes flirting, flirting makes opportunity, opportunity makes temptation,temptation makes possibility, possibility makes intrigue,intrigue makes excitement,Excitement makes an invitation,invitation makes an affair, an affair breaks a marriage vow, a
broken marriage vow breaks:

Her husband’s heart

Her children’s hearts

Her parents’ hearts

Her friends’ hearts

Her pastor’s heart

Her leader’s heart

Her Lord’s heart

Her witness

Her future

Her children’s future

Her finances

Her secret sin ripples.

There was a sin,

a secret sin,

that someone once was keeping.

It became a sin,

A public sin, and now everyone is

Pastor Tony Folio of Sunrise Church in San Diego is known for saying, “Sin takes you further than you wanted to go;Keeps
you longer than you wanted to stay; and costs you more than you wanted to pay!”

Bill and I estimate that for every hour of sin, it can take over 200 hours of counseling, meetings, regrouping, etc to unravel the mess made in the wake of a sin. How much better to simply take God’s advice:

“. . .we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

The picture here is to lock up any wrong thoughts like a prisoner of war. It is so much better to place our thoughts “behind bars” than to let them run and end up incarcerated with a wake of pain behind any destructive behaviors and choices.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be
healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)

If you are struggling, acknowledge your sin, unburden your burden to God AND a trained clergy or counselor.

Stop the wake before it starts.



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