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We need your prayers and National Day of Prayer today

Today is  National Day of Prayer so we pray you will take time today to pray for the USA.
We love helping others with their marriages and families, but right now we need your prayers. Here are three ways your prayers can hold us up the next 3 weeks. YOUR PRAYERS ARE VITAL TO US AT THIS TIME
  1. Pray for our health. While on the road speaking on 7 Simple Skills a Woman Can Make , this last trip, Pam picked up a nasty bug, lost her voice and shared the germs with Bill. We leave for Israel May 5 and will be speaking on this tour of Holy Land til May 17. Please pray God EMPOWERS and HEALS us and keeps us STRONG in ISRAEL.
  2. Please pray for last minute donations for the dinner for HOLOCAUST SUVIVORS our group will host on this trip. We will have a meal with them, then do something they need done to bless them. (most are very elderly) If you are interested in making a donation, here is link to donate to Israel Now Project. (please message us back in an email if you donate so we can track response and thank you personally)
  3. Pam’s Birthday is in May, so on Tuesday May 22 at 6:06 pm pacific, she will host a FaceBook live party on How to Live and Love SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL (from her 7 Simple Skills a Woman Can Make book. She will be running a summer study on Facebook Live using this book– details will be annnounced at party, but if you want to get a headstart, you can purchase 7 Simple Skills for Every Woman here).  Please pray for these preparations  and that hundreds of women will tune in and be encouraged.
Please pray this verse, one of Pam’s favorite’s from Discovering Hope in the Psalms: A Creative Bible Study Experience: 

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
(“Strength of My Heart” means God is my sure strong stone mountain of refuge)

And today’s verse for National Day of Prayer– let’s ALL pray this one!
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (Eph 4:3)
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers the next 3 weeks
Pam and Bill
PS: Tune into National Day of Prayer live broadcast at 7:30pm ET

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