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What’s On Your Desk?


“Your worth to God in public is who you are in private.”

                                                      – Oswald Chambers 

This quote reverberated in my soul as I read it as a young leader when I penned my book Woman of Influence. Our integrity matters. I always taught my children, “Integrity is who you are when on one but God is watching.” And today I add, “and integrity is who you are when the entire world is watching—like on Facebook!”  Helping women hold on to their integrity is one of my life’s goals because so many women, so many leaders, have unraveled their own lives by choices made. Having an unguarded heart is dangerous. Proverbs  4:23 is clear, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (NIV) 

 In Woman of Influence a few of the chapters really help with integrity issues, including the one on intimacy with God where I list of “31 Ways to Wake Up Your Quiet Time”. Here is a link to a mini article on Ways to Wake Up Your Quiet Time.

Integrity Reminders

On my desk are a few items to help remind me of my need to hold on to integrity:

  1. My Bible- with pens and study aids to dig in for that daily wisdom I need.
  2. My Laptop- so I have quick access to research on Bible questions so I can apply knowledge so it hopefully turns into wisdom that will protect my life, my family, my ministry and God’s reputation.
  3. A compass given to me by a mentor to remind me to let God lead my path. I want God’s voice to be the loudest in my life so I always know true north and let Him give direction.
  4. Photos of my husband, family, my staff, mentees, and mentors – so I can see the faces I would crush and disappoint if I had a moral failure. All my choices impact someone else.
  5. A frame with verses of integrity facing me (but underneath are articles and names of fallen Christian leaders ) to remind me I want to be like the verses can see and be under God’s umbrella of blessing, not one of the names who chose to walk away from God’s plan and path. In my book Woman of Confidence, I offer scriptures strung together like this by topic, (including integrity) which can be helpful to use to pray over your life.  
  6. A turtle- Why a turtle? If you were to walk along and see a turtle sitting on a fence post, what should you ask? How did it get there? Turtles can’t climb. Someone had to put it up on that post. In the same way, every leader has a platform and God put you there, and He can just as easily take you down—just look at King Saul as one vivid example.  The turtle reminds me to “Humble myself under the mighty hand of God and he will exalt me at the proper time.”  When I train a woman to be a leader, author, speaker—I have a long list of rigorous training and equipping she must complete, but upon graduation from Circle of Influence, I give her a turtle for her desk too. 

What’s on your desk?

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