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I Have Your Back


Don’t you love those friends who truly watch your back? You know the best friend who sees you have lipstick on your teeth, spinach caught in your smile, or tell you if your shoe caught some toilet paper in the ladies room? I appreciate friends who want me to succeed, and want to save me from hurtful moments of pain, embarrassment or mistakes that might harm my reputation or scar my marriage, ministry or family. I feel like Sam Rima and Gary McIntosh are those kind of friends. For YEARS I have been recommending their book, Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership to those of us in any kind of leadership, from church, community or business roles to our role as mom. All women lead in some way.

Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership answers questions like: Why would President Clinton risk everything for a tryst with Monica? Or “How can a billionaire like Tiger Woods be tempted to do the things he did with so many women and put all his hard work at risk?”  Or one we might ask as women who lead: Why do women we have invested in and trusted as leaders suddenly become a “walk away wife” and ditch their marriage and kids?”

All my mentees and each of my own children in college are required to read  Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership and discuss the results of the inventory, then create a plan to address their darkside in order to protect their own leadership. We all have a sin nature and I appreciate Sam and Gary creating a practical book which includes a test to identify your darkside so we can all safeguard the ministry God has entrusted to us. (We went to seminary with Sam so I feel even better recommending this resource because of the great foundation we all received at Talbot/Biola and the many years since that we have seen Sam and Gary walk with integrity).

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