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Mad for Magazines


Call me old fashioned, but I still love magazines. They are handy to take on airplanes, to the beach, and to the soccer sidelines. I love to leave ones I have read for the next harried mom who might be sitting in a waiting room, for that parent –teacher conference, or on the bleachers. Bill and I write for several magazines and I wanted to let you know about a few of them:

Thriving Family from Focus on the Family– Bill’s wisdom on the delicate art of talking to your wife about a touchy subject is in the January/February issue. “It’s How You Say It” will rescue many a husband from the doghouse. Focus on the Family made the recent decision to offer Thriving Family free (a donation is always nice) You might need to call Focus on the Family if you want the current issue: 800-A-FAMILY. Subscribe to Thriving Family  

Seven: Bill is one of the keynote speakers for Promise Keepers Canada. Thousands of men across Canada are equipped and encourage by PK Canada, and their magazine  is a flagship resource for men (of any country!) In the most recent issue, Bill writes “Lost in Translation” which includes a 4 step process that helps husbands connect in conversation with their wives in a way that a wife feels valued.  Order Seven.

Lastly, several times a year I write a Ministry Minded Marriage column for Just Between Us magazine. This magazine was launched by Jill Briscoe. Shelly Esser is current editor and they have created a periodical aimed at women in ministry (Directors of Women’s Ministry, Pastor’s Wives, Missionaries, Parachurch women, etc). A sample of a Just Between Us Ministry Minded Marriage article is “His and Hers Finances” on our www. articles page. Or read Encourage Him an article by me on the online version of Just Between Us website (The electronic version online is just a sample of the magazine, the print version offers more).Order Just Between Us.

Pick up a magazine and curl up in a cozy chair by the fire or on a blanket in the warm sunshine and take a well deserved break. Those few moments might just change your life!

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