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Feeling a little under the weather? Here is LOTS of LOVE from the Farrels to add a little sunshine to your spring!

Are you enjoying the mix of powerful storms and beautiful sunny days?  March has often been imaged as a lion and lamb, which is interesting since this is also the season of Lent and Jesus has been called, the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God.  (Please scroll through this email to find the gems to help you grow with Jesus as an individual, in your marriage and family this Lenten season).

Lent is Wednesday, March 6 through Thursday, April 18 this year. Lent is a time to focus on your growth with God with a focus of having a heart prepared to celebrate Christ’s resurrection and the transformative, redemptive work He completed on the cross that we celebrate each Easter.

Some people also give up an indulgence they enjoy (sugar? Media? Fast food?) or give up a bad habit (like a New Year’s resolution restart!) The next few weeks can be a wonderful way to kick start your spring with your eye on the cross. Bill and I love the reminder of the power of the cross in this verse as it intersects our lives:

The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you. (Romans 8:11)

Here are a few things from our hearts to help you live “Love-Wise” and gain a stronger relationship with God, and those you love in this spring season:

We love because He (God) first loved us.Love Your Spouse: March 1 – March 26 is the Red  Hot Wife Challenge that Pam leads that helps wives journey through the traits A to Z that make a woman a more loving wife. She sends an email each day with a simple relationship tip/ assignment, and she hosts a private Facebook group where wives gather and discuss ideas to strengthen, bless and build their marriages. The challenge is free but you will want to register and make sure you get a copy of Red Hot Romance Tips for Women as Pam will use it as a guide for the challenge. YES, March 1st is today, so click here to register and gain the wisdom, creative ideas, practical resources that will build and bless your marriage (The book available in Kindle for immediate access) . (Watch video of Pam explaining RHW challenge)

Pam and Bill will also be speaking at several marriage events, so perhaps one way to love your mate is to bring him or her to a marriage getaway, or date night.  Cities Bill and Pam will be in during March include Kalispell, MT; Bozeman, MT, Idaho Falls, ID and Phoenix AZ. Check our Love-Wise calendar or email for more details.

We love because He (God) first loved us.Love the God of Hope: In Romans 15:13, scripture calls the Creator the God of Hope—one title! You cannot separate God from Hope because God by His very nature is the Creator of Hope! Pam is leading a Facebook Live bible study on her bestselling book Discovering Hope in the Psalms: A Creative Bible Study Experience.  The bible study runs each Monday eve from March 26 through May 13, at 6:06 pm PT and if you want to join Pam LIVE she will teach a short 20-25 minute lesson from a Psalms at 6:06 each   night for 8 weeks. The best part about Facebook Live is you can attend LIVE or you can also watch and comment at any time that is convenient for you! Click here to register and to buy the Discovering Hope in the Psalms book.

Pam will also be leading an Oasis of Hope day for women March 9 at Trinity church in Bakersfield Ca. The day will be a nice refreshing, rejuvenating, renewing day that is a mix of messages of ope by Pam from the Psalms, and a variety of creative and devotional experiences—with a lovely lunch.  Register for only $10 (register on line  and donate $10 online or pay at the door if you would like) For more info, or to register click here.

Love the Simply Beautiful Life: God has a plan to give you a future and a hope—and give you the abundant life He promises in John 10:10. God has all the abilities to create beauty in you, for you and through you! Pam will be offering  a zoom mentoring group  once a week each Wednesday from  March 20  to May 1  at 6:06pm PT using her book 7 Simple Skills for Every Woman book. Move your life forward by strengthening 7 core areas of your life.  Pam only has space for about 12 women in her zoom group so if you are interested in Pam pouring encouragement, equipping, enrichment and inspiration into your life for 7 weeks, register today.

Pam will be speaking on Simply Beautiful: Simple Skills for Success  for Every Woman on March 23 in Rancho Pales Verdes, Ca .

We love because He (God) first loved us.Love for the Guys: Bill will be speaking  for Promise Keepers Canada March 23. If you live in Canada, love your husband, your son, your brother or Dad enough to send them to PK! Here is a link to a video of a message Bill has given at a past PK event for men: Walking Together.  Pick up a copy of 7 Simple Skills for Men to help the guys in your life grow with God.

Praying this for you and those you love, as we focus on the Easter season:

I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. (Eph 1:19-20)

We love because He (God) first loved us.Blessings

Pam and Bill Farrel

PS: Pam just released the Get It Done Girl: Maximize Your Moments Action Planner. Have you picked up yours yet? Here is a video of Pam explaining the planner and a blog sharing how the  Proverbs 31 woman inspired her to create the planner.

Please join the Living Love-Wise Community to gain practical help and resources more for you and those you love.

If you would like the Farrels to come speak at your church or in your city, email for more info.

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